wat a day
today i juz have four hours of maths lesson with mr kong.. personal coaching somemore...me, berlinda, and shahril were there.. it started from 9-1pm fuyoo.. he makes me like maths... i like!! den after the maths class till one.. have break wit all such as? haha too much to tell... it's fun to have frenz surrounded once in a while... yeah!! den at two we are supposed to have psp lect and tutorial.. but me ain and rahim [ahakz] never went.. went to westmall instead.. but hei we did study maths.. me? did two quest... hehehe im the bad influence for them [ahakz] den jun came and join us.. rahim went home.. hehe as for us... we go jalan2.. den suddenly im hungry... and suggested to eat at bk but all no money so went to mac.. cause got free wireless connection and can use ezlink for buying food wit points ar.. [ahakz] ........... den went home... but not before me went to my fav place.. seven-eleven.. i juz wanna see him.. heheh he's juz so nice.. hehe nottti me... but well i did bought things there juz to help their sales.. hehe juz hoping to noe him se... realli wish to.... InsyaAllah... jika di izinkan Nya... heheh [ahakz] ok la.. peace one love!

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