since start skol. many thingz happen in my life in juz few months.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> firstly... hari raye juz lepaz.. it was got to go to my frenz house.. heheh den after rayer.. me jun went to buy stuff for skool.. kononnyer semangat nak sekolah ler.. heheh secondly.. me was so into spore idol>> my idol is TAUFIK too bad he got sooo many the peminat yang fanatik .. no chance.. juz love those eyes... cairz di buatnyer..hehhehe okok enuf bout him... but nways reali wanna congrulate him myself... if got the chance.. thirdly i feely like wannted to berhanti keje.. but den if never work got no money.. any part time work any one? hmmmm k la.. gtg miss my blogger....

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