flaw = defect or weakness in a person's character
that what im having now
i have not been myself lately
i dont know why though
someone help me
before it is too late
too late
that what im having now
i have not been myself lately
i dont know why though
someone help me
before it is too late
too late
At 10:01 PM,
nur said…
Gerl, no one's pressuring u. But hey, u noe u can always confide in ur galfrens. Wat are frens for rite? We'll help u insyaAllah, when u're ready. Anddd, when ur in sch, its a MUST to meet me! Okie dokie? Take care gerlfren.
At 10:03 PM,
Jun said…
yupp. we're always here when u need us. just gimme a ring anytime. nv look at ur flaws that way, sometimes imperfections can make people more perfect, wateva tht means. hehe. take cre //
At 12:24 AM,
EeN said…
thanks gals.. i noe.. i need to find the light at the end of the tunnel. till now havent found yet..
At 11:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
you'll find what you've been searching for, een... terus bersangka baik dengan ALLAH atas setiap dugaan-Nya... dugaan lebih hebat = ganjaran pun sama hebat, insha ALLAH! u are a strong gal. u can do it, een! kita semua sokong een tau! rmb tt alwayz~! =)
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